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[Other resourcesmallprogram

Description: 游戏规则: 按w键是控制自己的飞机(天使)向上。 按S键向下,A键向左,D键向右,r键重来,e键退出 发弹:指着本程序介面按鼠标左键. 开始时:你的生命值只有3,而子弹数只有2 当你的子弹射到了敌人时,敌人的生命也会减一,当敌人的生命值减到0时,你就赢. 当你的子弹射到了敌人时,同时天上也会掉下一颗子弹,当你捡到一个子弹后,你的子弹数得到补充; 如你的子弹数减至0或你的生命值减至0你就会输。 秘技: 按y键你的子弹数就加1; 按o键你的生命值就加1. 不过如果你技术好的话唔用秘技也能赢。-rules of the game : w keys on the control of the aircraft (Angel) upwards. According to the S button down, and left keys A, D keys right, r bond return, e withdraw from the key rounds : Pointing to the interface procedures by the left mouse button. at the beginning : you only have three lives, while only a few bullets when you two bullets to fire at the enemy, the enemy of life will lower one. When the enemies of life reduced the value 0, you win. When you fire the bullets of the enemy, while the sky will fall a bullet, when you picked up a bullet, you get to add a few bullets; if you reduce the number of bullets 0 or your life value to 0 you will lose. Camp : y keys on your bullets on the plus a few; o bond by your value on the lives of an increase. But if you take good technology used ca
Platform: | Size: 56198 | Author: heroesjun | Hits:

[Other resourceGameOfLife_java

Description: 生命游戏的java源代码。基于元胞自动机的生命游戏,是学习和深入CA方法的很好例子。-life game of java source code. Based on Cellular Automata game of life, and in-depth study of CA good example.
Platform: | Size: 4022 | Author: 颜建军 | Hits:


Description: Craps掷骰子经典游戏 代码 初学者练习方法的调用-bet Dice classic game code beginners to practice the method ca
Platform: | Size: 1981 | Author: 于泳江 | Hits:


Description: Craps掷骰子经典游戏 代码 初学者练习方法的调用-bet Dice classic game code beginners to practice the method ca
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 于泳江 | Hits:

[Shot Gamesmallprogram

Description: 游戏规则: 按w键是控制自己的飞机(天使)向上。 按S键向下,A键向左,D键向右,r键重来,e键退出 发弹:指着本程序介面按鼠标左键. 开始时:你的生命值只有3,而子弹数只有2 当你的子弹射到了敌人时,敌人的生命也会减一,当敌人的生命值减到0时,你就赢. 当你的子弹射到了敌人时,同时天上也会掉下一颗子弹,当你捡到一个子弹后,你的子弹数得到补充; 如你的子弹数减至0或你的生命值减至0你就会输。 秘技: 按y键你的子弹数就加1; 按o键你的生命值就加1. 不过如果你技术好的话唔用秘技也能赢。-rules of the game : w keys on the control of the aircraft (Angel) upwards. According to the S button down, and left keys A, D keys right, r bond return, e withdraw from the key rounds : Pointing to the interface procedures by the left mouse button. at the beginning : you only have three lives, while only a few bullets when you two bullets to fire at the enemy, the enemy of life will lower one. When the enemies of life reduced the value 0, you win. When you fire the bullets of the enemy, while the sky will fall a bullet, when you picked up a bullet, you get to add a few bullets; if you reduce the number of bullets 0 or your life value to 0 you will lose. Camp : y keys on your bullets on the plus a few; o bond by your value on the lives of an increase. But if you take good technology used ca
Platform: | Size: 56320 | Author: heroesjun | Hits:


Description: 生命游戏的java源代码。基于元胞自动机的生命游戏,是学习和深入CA方法的很好例子。-life game of java source code. Based on Cellular Automata game of life, and in-depth study of CA good example.
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: 颜建军 | Hits:


Description: 很好的一个复杂网络的元胞自动机生命游戏源程序.-Good of a complex network of cellular automaton Game of Life source code.
Platform: | Size: 14336 | Author: 陈峰 | Hits:

[Game Hook Crackgame-call

Description: 游戏关键call调用小程序!找到游戏的关键call,确定游戏的参数!再填入代码!实现关键call 的调用。-Call key to call the game applet! Games to find the key to call, to determine the parameters of the game! Fill in the code again! Call key to call implementation.
Platform: | Size: 7168 | Author: 不死亡灵 | Hits:


Description: CA的生命游戏代码~~希望起到抛砖引玉的作用-this is the code of the life game
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: river yang | Hits:

[Game Programgamexepgachbangjava

Description: game xep gach develope on java.Author: dai ca quyen,allright reverse.
Platform: | Size: 798720 | Author: dai ca | Hits:


Description: 用matlab实现了著名的生命游戏,也称元宝自动机,可以观察到很多有趣的模式-Using matlab to achieve the famous Game of Life, also known as ingots automata, can observe many interesting patterns
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: jcli | Hits:


Description: 关于ca的一些简单的程序 里面有几种常见的ca程序 都是二维的 但是是基础的 经典的流体、生命游戏等 都有-Ca some simple procedures which have several common ca program are two-dimensional, but is based on the classic fluid, Game of Life has
Platform: | Size: 6144 | Author: niubo | Hits:

[Other GamesProfessional-CPP--2nd

Description: 虽然C + +中,往往是从游戏编程主要的商业应用软件的首选语言,它也是最难以掌握。这个严肃的书,您将学习如何征服最新版本的C + +。笔者解密鲜为人知的特征的C ++,股份详细的代码示例,然后你可以插入自己的代码,并揭示了显着变化的C ++陪最新版本。你会发现如何设计和构建应用程序,解决现实世界的问题,然后实施解决方案,使用的语言的全部功能。 呼吁有经验的开发人员正在寻找更高层次的学习 向下钻取到最新的广泛变化的C ++标准,C + ++11,包括运行时的性能,标准库,语言可用性,核心语言的增强 在解释C + +的功能集的元素更知之甚少零和解决,以避免常见的陷阱 包括案例研究,具有丰富,工作代码已经在Windows和Linux平台上的测试 纠结文本有用的提示,技巧和解决方法 挤满了编程,测试和调试应用程序的最佳做法,这本书是对下一级到你的C ++技能至关重要。-Although C++ is often the language of choice from game programming to major commercial software applications, it is also one of the most difficult to master. With this no-nonsense book, you will learn to conquer the latest release of C++. The author deciphers little-known features of C++, shares detailed code examples that you can then plug into your own code, and reveals the significant changes to C++ that accompany the latest release. You ll discover how to design and build applications that solve real-world problems and then implement the solution using the full capabilities of the language. Appeals to experienced developers who are looking for a higher level of learning Drills down the extensive changes to the latest C++ standard, C++11, including enhancements made to run-time performance, standard library, language usability, and core language Zeroes in on explaining the more poorly understood elements of the C++ feature set and addresses common pitfalls to avoid Includes ca
Platform: | Size: 8913920 | Author: Hwang | Hits:

[Game Hook CracksfdjkldfDLL

Description: 搜索游戏 内存地址,找出基质,找call内存地址,找出基质,找ca-Search game memory address to identify the matrix, find the call
Platform: | Size: 225280 | Author: name | Hits:


Description: Mot bat ca game hay duoc phat trien tren j2me
Platform: | Size: 190464 | Author: DFang Duc | Hits:


Description: matlab对于Ca模拟的几个例程,包括生命游戏,表面张力,渗流集群等在内。是ca入门的好选择。-matlab for Ca simulation routines, including the Game of Life, the surface tension, percolation clusters. Ca entry.
Platform: | Size: 91136 | Author: david | Hits:


Description: 元胞自动机的模拟,包括沙堆模型,森林模型,生命游戏等一系列代码-Simulation of cellular automata, including the sandpile model forest model, the Game of Life, a series of code
Platform: | Size: 91136 | Author: gudushuxue | Hits:

[Windows DevelopLife-game

Description: CA生命游戏,基于元胞自动机,使用c的easy进行界面设计-CA Game of Life, based on cellular automata, the use of c easy interface design
Platform: | Size: 10240 | Author: huanganfeng | Hits:


Description: 生命游戏其实是一个零玩家游戏,它包括一个二维矩形世界,这个世界中的每个方格居住着一个活着的或死了的细胞。一个细胞在下一个时刻生死取决于相邻八个方格中活着的或死了的细胞的数量。如果相邻方格活着的细胞数量过多,这个细胞会因为资源匮乏而在下一个时刻死去;相反,如果周围活细胞过少,这个细胞会因太孤单而死去。-The Game of Life is not your typical computer game. It is a cellular automaton , and was invented by Cambridge mathematician John Conway.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: LiuHanWei | Hits:


Description: 元胞自动机(cellular automata, CA)是时间和空间都离散的动力学系统。时至今日,已经广泛应用于社会、经济、军事和科学研究等各个领域。本程序是基于元胞自动机的原理,利用matlab编程,复现了二维状态下“生命游戏”的原型,森林树,以及SIR传染病模型,以帮助正在入门学习元胞自动机的人们加深其原理的理解。(Cellular automata (CA) is a dynamic system with discrete time and space. Today, it has been widely used in social, economic, military and scientific research and other fields. This program is based on the principle of cellular automata, using MATLAB programming, reproduce the two-dimensional state of "life game" prototype, forest tree, and SIR epidemic model, in order to help people who are learning cellular automata to deepen their understanding of its principle)
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: zjzjzzz | Hits:
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